Saint Catherine of Siena Parish is always in need of parishioners to assist during the Liturgy. Please call the Parish Office if you are interested in serving in any of the ministries listed below.
Altar Servers:
A beautiful family ministry in which you assist at the Altar, holding the Missal for prayer, preparing the Altar at the preparation of the gifts, helping to receive the gifts, and clearing the Altar after Communion.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion:
Are you a person of prayer and an active Catholic attending Mass each weekend, fully initiated, and if married – married in the Church? Become a EMHC, distributing the Body and Blood of Christ at liturgies.
Minister of Hospitality (Ushers / Greeters):
Are you sociable and love people? Warmly greet people as they come into church for Mass, handing out worship aids, asking a family to bring up the gifts, carry the Cross in the procession and recession, take up the collection and ushering for Communion. Be a welcoming presence of Christ.
Are you a person of prayer in love with Scripture? Are you able to read well in public? Lectors are scheduled to proclaim the Word at weekend and holy day liturgies; delivering the reading in such a way that Christ is revealed to the assembly in your proclamation.
Help prepare the materials needed for Mass, and ensure they are properly stored when not in use.
Music Ministry:
Music plays a very important role in the Liturgy. Adult Choir and Hand bell Choir are a couple of ways that you can lend your musical talents in making our liturgies dynamic. There are also singing opportunities for children during Christmas and Easter. “The person who sings prays twice.” -St. Augustine