Faith Formation

Click for Online Registration – $10.00 per child not to exceed $30.00.

St. Catherine of Siena Parish offers Faith Formation for children ages three years old through the 12th grade.

We will be meeting in person starting Sunday, September 24th, 2023.

The 2nd Sunday of each month classes extend to noon and includes 11AM Mass. The children will be assigned the liturgical ministries for that Mass.

  • Catechesis of the Good Shepherd 3yr old – Kindergarten Sundays 9:30AM-10:45AM (12PM on 2nd Sunday each month)
  • Elementary Faith Formation 1st – 5th grade Sundays 9:30AM-10:45AM (12PM on 2nd Sunday each month)
  • Youth Ministry 6th – 12th grade Sundays 12:00AM (11AM on second Sunday each month) – 1:30PM

-Contact Lori Marsh for information –

We are recognized by the National Association of Catechesis of the Good Shepherd in the USA (NACGS) for level 1. According to the NACGS, the 3 different levels are structured around the following:

  • That God and the child have a unique relationship with one another, particularly before the age of six.
  • That the growth of this relationship should be assisted by the adult, but is directed by the Spirit of God within the child.
  • That children need their own place to foster the growth of that relationship.
  • That the child’s spiritual growth is best served through tangible but indirect means.

Grades Pre 3 – Grade 5:

-Contact Lori Marsh for information –

The children experience formation through a traditional setting using the “Finding God” book series. A few times a year we offer a Family Faith Day where families gather to have an interactive formation experience. These are a fun and hands on way to increase our understanding of God’s love and our role in building the Kingdom of God.

Youth Ministry, Grades 6-12:

-Contact Lori Marsh for information –

The youth have access to various forms of formation coupled with times for outreach and social events.

Events throughout the year may include…

  • Lockins or lockouts
  • Movie nights
  • Bonfires
  • Summer and fall kick-offs
  • Trips!
    • National Catholic Youth Conference
    • Washington DC, Right to Life march
    • Holy Fire middle school conference
  • Game nights
  • Much more!

We also are very excited that at St. Catherine of Siena Parish our youth take a much greater role in Liturgy.

Sacramental Preparation:

We journey with parents and children for Sacramental Preparation in a non-traditional way. The sessions are hands on and separate from the work you are doing at home with your child. They help to solidify what your child already knows, that God loves them and wants to be in relationship with them in a full and vibrant way.

For students (grades 2 and above) who would like to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation and First Holy Communion.

  • Families must be registered/active members of St. Catherine of Siena Parish.
  • Families are to attend a weekend Mass every week.
  • Children must have attended at least one year of Faith Formation and be enrolled in the current Faith Formation program or a Catholic School.
  • Families are to be committed to ongoing faith formation.
  • Reconciliation must be celebrated before Confirmation and First Eucharist.

Scroll down to fill in the online registration below.

To print a registration form to fill out and send in, click below